5D Interactive World Asia’s first and ever multi-sensory experience world in which engages all five senses, offers
visitors more than a 3-Dimensional Experience. Combining art, creativity and education in five district, the experience is
sure create new paradigms and to fire up and captivate visitors.
visitors more than a 3-Dimensional Experience. Combining art, creativity and education in five district, the experience is
sure create new paradigms and to fire up and captivate visitors.
These 5-Dimension will be on play at 5-District using 5D-Methodology to wow and amaze visitors for a memorable visit.
Each of the 5 District has one theme and that is to deliver a full 5D experience through the process of 5D-Methodology: define, design, develop, debug and deliver.
5D Interactive World is sure to provide a paradigm shift for visitors through creative and innovative presentations to make education and learning fun and exciting for all.
5D Interactive World combines the best of art, creativity and education to break tradition and shake the world. #
** 5D Interactive World merupakan alam interaktif 5D yang pertama di ASIA. Alam yang unik dan menakjubkan ini telah menggabungkan konsep-konsep kesenian, kreativiti dan pendidikan.
Maka, 5D Interactive World memberikan pengalaman dimensi 5D yang jauh lebih mengagumkan berbanding dengan lukisan mural.
Kami juga berharap pengunjung dapat menerokai alam ini melalui proses 5D-Methodology, iaitu menafsir (define), mereka (design), membangun (develop), membetul (debug) dan menyampai (deliver).
Lanjutannya, 5D Interactive World akan memberi anda perspeksif baru terhadap galeri pameran. Anda pastinya dapat menikmati kesenian dan kagum dengan persembahan kreatif, di sementara itu juga belajar menerusi mesej pendidikan yang disampaikannya.**
5D感官的非一般体验,5D互动空间(5D Interactive World)绝对能让你有个超越感官的学习体验!顾名思义,这个5D互动空间为你带来的五官感触体验,绝对超越了时下最夯的立体壁画效果。5D互动空间不仅是为你带来5D维度(5-Dimension),里头也涵盖5大区域(5-District),并想要传达5D模式理念(5D-Methodology)。
Opening Hours : 9am - 6pm, Tuesday to Sunday.
(Closed on Monday unless it's a public or school holiday)
Ticket Prices/Entry Fees入场费:
(Standard): Adult成人(RM30), Child小童(RM20)
(With Mykad): Adult成人(RM18), Child小童(RM13)
(Standard): Adult成人(RM30), Child小童(RM20)
(With Mykad): Adult成人(RM18), Child小童(RM13)
Addrerss : 29-F, Jalan Dato Keramat.